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Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Part 1
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Part 1
Episodes 1-25 of the Japanese anime sequel set eight years after the events of the original 'Mobile Suit Gundam' series. The rebel group known as the Anti-Earth Union Group take on the oppressive Earth Federation's elite task force, the Titans, whose mission is to keep order and destroy all remnants of old Zeon. As the conflict escalates, teenager Kamille Bidan (voice of Nobuo Tobita) joins the AEUG as they launch a full-scale attack on the tyrannical Earth Federation.
The episodes are: 'The Black Gundam', 'Departure', 'Inside the Capsule', 'Emma's Decision', 'Father and Son', 'To Earth', 'Escape from Side One', 'The Dark Side of the Moon', 'A New Bond', 'Reunion', 'Entering the Atmosphere', 'The Winds of Jaburo', 'Shuttle Launch', 'Amuro Flies Again', 'Katz's Sortie', 'Through the Haze of Darkness', 'Hong Kong City', 'Mirai Captured', 'Cinderella Four', 'The Heated Escape', 'A Sign of Zeta', 'The Eyes of Scirocco', 'Moon Attack', 'Counterattack' and 'Colony Drop'.
Media | Movies Blu-ray (Blu-ray Disc) |
Number of discs | 3 |
Released | July 29, 2019 |
EAN/UPC | 5037899079553 |
Label | Anime Ltd ANI8023 |
Genre | Animation |
Dimensions | 173 × 137 × 13 mm · 118 g |
Playtime | 10:25:00 |
Region code | Region B (Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia and Oceania) |
Language | Japanese |
Subtitles | English |
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