Chaos Chapter: Freeze - TXT (Tomorrow x Together)
Chaos Chapter Freeze is available as a random version, where you get one of 3 possible versions of the TXT album. You can also buy a bundle of 3 where you are guaranteed to get all three versions together - at a better price even! When you buy this TXT bundle you get a total of: CD, photo book: W160 X H230 (mm) / 88 pages, photo card: 1EA, OS photo card: 1EA, Postcard: 1EA, Sticker package: 2EA, Poetry book: 1EA, Behind book: 1EA / 32 pages, Limited photo ticket: completely random, Poster: 1EA / W440 X H600 (mm). There are lots of benefits to buying the Chaos Chapter Freeze product if you love TXT as much as we do.